Wednesday, July 31, 2019

College Writing Essay

Because story is used so pervasively to make arguments about how we should perceive the world around us and our place in it, we must learn to analyze what argument is being made in narrative, how it is being made, and most importantly, to assert our own response and counterargument about the issues at stake in a story. This semester, we will learn to analyze the form and content of story not only in terms of reading the argument the author advances through the organization of narrative components, but also in terms of how the medium a story is told through influences the shaping, message, and our reception of that story. In Narrative Across Media, you will acquire tools for analyzing narrative in multiple media and in multiple modalities. You will also look at critiques of each specific form of media and make your own argument about how story is shaped by medium, modality, and its narrative form. Finally, you will investigate whether translating narrative from one medium to another really do change the message of the story itself. Beginning with classical rhetorical ideas, you will analyze narrative in news media, in the short story, and in hybrid forms such as the graphic novel before moving into pop music compositions, looking at how narrative is communicated through the lyrics, video, and album art of a pop song. You will have the option of either writing a traditional research paper in print about narrative across media or composing your own work of media translation, and then will learn about the affordances and constraints of the power point frame before finishing with a group film analysis project. COURSE DESCRIPTION: College Writing 11011 This course focuses on themes and issues specifically relevant to the function and roles of narrative, the medium and the modalities it is conveyed through in society. Through the exploration of this course theme, students will develop critical reading, thinking, and writing skills. College Writing 11011 develops students’ reading, writing, and critical thinking skills by emphasizing multimodal reading and writing as critical and recursive processes. Writing is approached as a recursive process that includes prewriting strategies, drafting, revising, and editing. The course helps students recognize and read important themes articulated in multiple modalities within individual texts and between divergent texts, emphasizing that interpretation itself is a process both recursive and contestable, using the multiplicity of valid interpretations and a knowledge of the allowances of multiple modalities to throw into relief the student’s own processes of interpretation and the assumptions these are based on. This course uses works of sustained complexity which, when read together or against each other, bring into focus their different interpretive frameworks and their statements, sometimes agreeing, sometimes complicating the issues being investigated. Students will focus on a particular body of discourse in several short formal compositions, learning to incorporate research into their own contribution to the ongoing discourse, culminating in an extended piece of writing which ties together many of the key themes and issues investigated in the course. STUDENT LEARNING ACTIVITIES: Class- This is a working writing lab-a space within which you will learn to hone your writing and critical thinking skills. There will be brief lectures or demonstrations on matters of common interest almost every day, but work time will primarily be spent in activities that involve writing/ composing, responding to writing/ composing, and revising. We will also devote work time daily to meetings one-on-one with the instructor, in groups of fellow students, or as a class in order to learn how to critically read,  in addition to learning how to construct arguments in multiple modalities, and to give excellent feedback to your fellow writers on their work. In-Class Discussions – Almost every class will involve an in-depth discussion of the assigned readings of the day and their relevance to the journal’s central theme of Narrative Across Media. Students who read the material, annotate it, and come to class with the daily reader-response completed as well as with questions about the ideas presented in the text not only enrich the class, they learn more and receive higher grades. Become an active learner! Assigned Readings – For each class, you will have a reading/reference selection assigned from the principal texts. These assignments will be designed to help you prepare the current assignment and to identify the location of specific references to which you can turn when you need help in any writing task. Apply the advice and information in them to your coursework; students who do so almost always receive higher grades. The texts will provide you with many of the practical techniques and much of the background knowledge you will need to know to write well at Kent State and in your later career. Develop the habit now of turning to them for answers to questions of research and writing, and plan to keep them as permanent references on your Writer’s Bookshelf. Freewrites – Freewriting is an in-class activity that provides a chance for you to exercise your writing skills. The rules are — there are none! The only thing you can do wrong is stop writing. The purpose is to get you into a writing mindset, to encourage fluency in getting words to paper. Freewrites will last about five minutes and may be ‘prompted’ at my discretion. Enjoy freewriting! You will find your most creative, insightful topic ideas during these freewriting sessions. Journal Entries/ Creative Writing – Because we meet only two times per week, you will be required to bring one 1-page journal entry to class per week on loose-leaf paper. These entries can be on the readings for class, montages of poetry and fiction, word-sketches of people you observe in the world around you, musings on how your life is at the moment, and so on. The purpose of weekly independent writing is to have fun with writing and express yourself! If you prefer to work all semester on a longer print, visual, aural, or other project equivalent to the 14 pages of journaling, ask me if it would fulfill this requirement. Reader-Response Papers – For most of the assigned readings, you are required to not only do the reading, but to respond to assigned questions or topics pertaining to the text. These will involve comparing and contrasting how different authors deal with similar themes in their work, applying specific rhetorical analytical tools to the texts to gain a deeper insight into their workings, and using quotations from the texts to effectively prove points you make about that work and its discussion of the themes related to the course. New York Times Article Analysis and Presentation – You will be required to sign up to analyze and lead a discussion on a New York Times story relating to the course theme once during the semester. This involves sending me the link to your chosen article or news element the class period BEFORE you are scheduled to present, and then on the day of the presentation, turning in your discussion questions and your in-depth one-page analysis of the article. Guidelines for this presentation are available on VISTA. Extra Credit – You will be able to earn Extra Credit for the course in several ways. Introduce a News Article for Discussion–For extra credit, volunteer your close reading of an article from any section of the NYT, looking at the central idea of the piece, what the main argument about that idea is, and how the word choice and structure of the piece contribute to communicating that argument (see handout guidelines for preparing your news presentation). Argue with the Readings- you can choose to write a response with citations to one of the course readings or a reading related to the main themes of the course that you have found through your own research. This helps you to gain practice in responding to specific points, word choices, and techniques in the readings. (Example of response with citations: In his essay â€Å"Fire in the Belly,† Lasn claims that culture has become toxic to the mental environment (84). However, I think that he is a little full of it. He offers little actual evidence to prove his points – for example, he claims A (30), and seems to think that stating B is â€Å"proof†! ) Translate a Narrative from One Medium to Another, or from One Mode to a Combination – you can take a class-appropriate narrative from any medium or modality and translate it into another medium or modality. This involves taking the central themes and ideas and representing them in another way. Also include a one page rationale explaining how changing the medium changed what could be said / how it could be said, as well as why you chose to change the work from its original form to the form of the translation. Supplemental Research on Course Topic – do supplementary research on a topic to present informally to the class on the day that the related reading is being discussed. Learn a Composition Program – teach yourself a composition program you didn’t know how to use before, keeping a composer’s/learner’s log while doing so to record the ups and downs of the learning process. We will be using PowerPoint as a class for some compositions, but you can learn about the visual aspects of MS Word, Adobe PageMaker, Audation (a sound composing tool), or Moviemaker/ related movie making composition tool. Many of these programs are expensive to buy, but can be downloaded on a trial basis for free. COURSE GRADES: Your course grade will be determined at the end of semester based on your scores on each of the four main projects (and any revisions you turn in), your in-class participation, and your RQAs. I. Essay 1: A Day Without Mediation (3-5 pg. ) 15 pts. II. Essay 2: Pop Music Analysis (5-7 pg. ) 15 pts. III. Essay 3: Research Paper and Power-Point (5-8pg. , 5+ slide) 20 pts. IV. Essay 4:Film Project Presentation and Write-Up ( 4-7 pg. )10 pts. V. RQAs: Research Question Assignments 10 pts. VI. In-Class Participation (NYT Article Analysis, Freewriting, Journal Entries, Workshop Participation, and Group Discussions of Assigned Readings &Responses.) 30 pts. Total Points Possible: 100 pts. Your Semester Grade will be based on the following percentage scale: A 100-90% B 89-80% C 79-70% D 69-60% F 59% and lower Attendance: Attend classes EVERY MWF, not whenever you feel the urge. Attendance is vital for group workshops. Should you miss class because of illness or other emergency, provide me with documentation explaining the absence. Unexcused absences will lower your course grade. If you miss five or more classes without a valid excuse, we will need to schedule a conference to determine whether you should continue or withdraw/drop. Participation: Come to class prepared to discuss the reading and writing for the day and to participate in workshops. Weak participation (unwillingness to discuss readings & unwillingness to participate fully in workshopping peer papers) will lower your final grade. Learning is doing, so become an ACTIVE student. Late papers: You will be docked 5% of the points possible on an assignment for each class meeting it is overdue. Plagiarism: Plagiarism may take many forms, some of which we will discuss in class. Protect yourself by becoming aware of Kent State University’s policy on academic honesty, and by meticulously documenting your papers when you quote, summarize, or paraphrase other sources. If I find you have plagiarized some of a paper, you will receive no credit for that paper and no option to revise, and your course grade will be lowered. If I find you have flagrantly plagiarized, you will fail the course and the incident will be reported. E-Mails: I will reply to e-mails in 24 hours usually, but not immediate – do not e-mail expecting immediate replies. This is why it is key to ask homework questions in class, and have the contact information for a couple of other people in the class to call for clarification or the assignment, if you’ve missed it. E-Mail Ettiquette: Use Subject Headings! Don’t be SPAM-Blocked! Use a subject heading for your e-mail clearly explaining what you are writing about. Use Appropriate Titles and Spell Names Correctly – In the e-mails to me or to your other instructors, use Netiquette – address me as â€Å"Professor Wagoner† – I do not go by â€Å"Ms, Mrs. , or Miss. † Set Up a Missed Class Lifeline: Do not e-mail the instructor for the assignment. Instead, call or e-mail a reliable fellow student from class to get the homework. -Also check VISTA’s Daily Assignments folder and the course schedule in the syllabus for paper deadlines. Check both places to be current on what is due in class. Where’s the Stapler? Papers must be stapled or paperclipped when you turn them in. I don’t provide staples or paperclips, so you need to be responsible for collating your own papers so that they don’t get mixed up in turn in piles. INCLEMENT WEATHER: You know, that Ohio thing with the gray sky and sleet. If  the weather is nasty outside, listen to a public radio station, or watch a local news channel to find out if class for the day has been canceled. If the news station has not reported class cancellation by 8:30 a. m. , class is not canceled and you should attend. If you commute from out of town and sleet or snowstorms are making travel dangerous, call and ask me if you should try to drive in! Should class be thus canceled, continue preparing assignments as scheduled, and we will condense classroom activities as necessary to catch up with the syllabus. DISABILITY POLICY: In accordance with University Policy 33242-3-01. 3, if you have a documented disability and require accommodations to obtain equal access to this course, please contact me at the beginning of the semester or when given an assignment for which the accommodation is required. Students with disabilities must verify their eligibility through Student Accessibility Services (330-672-3391 or www. kent. edu/sas). ACADEMIC SUPPORT AREA: As your instructor, I invite you to share any concerns about any writing assignment with me. I also invite you to visit the Kent State University Writing Center, located on the fourth floor of the KSU Library. It can be a valuable resource for your writing development, and will facilitate writing at all stages of the writing process. You can seek help from me or the KSU Writing Center for: Choosing an IdeaDocumentation of Sources (MLA & APA) Developing an IdeaContent Revision Drafting an EssayG. U. M. (Grammar-Usage-Mechanics) Instruction To make an appointment, call the Writing Center at 330-672-1787. Help is also available online at the Online Writing Lab (OWL). Call to schedule an online appointment, and visit the website at http://dept. kent. edu/english/WritingCent. Drop-in tutoring is also available at the Information Commons, First Floor of the KSU Library – ask librarian for dates and times! Statement on Enrollment/Official Registration: The official registration deadline for this course is September 8, 2013. University policy requires all students to be officially registered in each class they are attending by the specified deadline (check with your advisors). Students who are not officially registered for a course by published deadlines should not be attending and will not receive credit or a grade. Each student must confirm enrollment on his/her class schedule (Student Tools on Flashline). Errors must be fixed prior to the deadline. Withdrawal from Course: The course withdrawal deadline is November 3, 2013. This is the last day for withdrawing from any or all courses before a â€Å"W† is assigned. Students with low grades should strategize with their advisors about dropping the course without a W (Withdrawal) on transcripts, with a W (by November 3), or without a W (afterNovember 3). These designations refer to different policies about incorporating the course grades into your cumulative GPA and should be treated very seriously. Check with your advisor to confirm withdrawal dates. Student Accessibility Policy University Policy 3342-3-01. 3 requires that students with disabilities be provided reasonable accommodations to ensure their equal access to course content. If you have a documented disability and require accommodations, please contact the instructor at the beginning of the semester to make arrangements for necessary classroom adjustments. Please note, you must first verify your eligibility for these through Student Accessibility Services (contact 330-672-3391 or visit www.kent. edu/sas for more information on registration procedures). STUDENT CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM: Condensed Version [For the complete policy and procedure, go to www. kent. edu/policyregister and search for policy 3342-3-01. 8, or see http://www. kent. edu/policyreg/chap3/3-01-8. cfm or http://www. kent. edu/policyreg/chap3/upload/3342. 3. 01. 8. pdf ] Cheating and plagiarism constitute fraudulent misrepresentation for which no credit can be given and for which appropriate sanctions are warranted and will be applied. The university affirms that acts of cheating and plagiarism by students constitute a subversion of the goals of the institution, have no place in the university and are serious offenses to academic goals and objectives, as well as to the rights of fellow students. â€Å"Cheat† means to intentionally misrepresent the source, nature, or other conditions of academic work so as to accrue undeserved credit, or to cooperate with someone else in such misrepresentation. Cheating includes, but is not limited to 1. Obtaining or retaining partial or whole copies of examinations, tests or quizzes before these are distributed for student use; 2. Using notes, textbooks or other information in examinations, tests and quizzes, except as expressly permitted; 3. Obtaining confidential information about examinations, tests or quizzes other than that released by the instructor; 4. Securing, giving or exchanging information during examinations; 5. Presenting data or other material gathered by another person or group as one’s own; 6. Falsifying experimental data or information; 7. Having another person take one’s place for any academic performance without the specific knowledge and permission of the instructor; 8. Cooperating with another to do one or more of the above; 9. Using a substantial portion of a piece of work previously submitted for another course or program to meet the requirements of the present course or program without notifying the instructor to whom the work is presented; and 10. Presenting falsified information in order to postpone or avoid examinations, tests, quizzes, or other academic work. â€Å"Plagiarize† means to take and present as one’s own a material portion of the ideas or words of another or to present as one’s own an idea or work derived from an existing source without full and proper credit to the source of the ideas, words, or works. As defined, plagiarize includes, but is not limited to a. The copying of words, sentences and paragraphs directly from the work of another without proper credit; b. The copying of illustrations, figures, photographs, drawings, models, or other visual and nonverbal materials, including recordings of another without proper credit; and c. The presentation of work prepared by another in final or draft form as one’s own without citing the source, such as the use of purchased research papers. Academic Sanctions, From Section D The following academic sanctions are provided by this rule for offenses of cheating or plagiarism. Kent campus instructors shall notify the department chairperson and the student conduct office each time a sanction is imposed. Regional campus instructors shall notify the regional campus dean and the student conduct officer each time a sanction is imposed. Regional campus student conduct officer shall notify the Kent student conduct office each time a sanction is imposed by a regional campus Instructor. The following academic sanctions are provided by this rule for offenses of cheating or plagiarism. In those cases the instructor may 1. Refuse to accept the work for credit; or  2. Assign a grade of â€Å"F† or zero for the project, test, paper, examination or other work in which the cheating or plagiarism took place; or 3. Assign a grade of â€Å"F† for the course in which the cheating or plagiarism took place; and/or; 4. Recommend to the department chair or regional campus dean that further action specified in the rule be taken. The department chairperson or regional campus dean shall determine whether or not to forward to the academic dean or to the vice president for the extended university a recommendation for further sanction under this rule. Procedures for invoking sanctions. (From Section E) (1) Academic administrative procedures pertaining to paragraph (D)(1)(a) of this rule. In the event that an instructor determines that it is more probable than not that a student in a course or program under the instructor’s supervision has presented work for university credit which involves an act of cheating, plagiarism or cooperation in either, then the instructor shall: (a) Inform the student as soon as is practical, in person or by mail, of the belief that an act of cheating or plagiarism has occurred. If the student cannot be reached in a reasonable period of time, the instructor may proceed with sanctions, notifying the student in writing as promptly as possible of the belief and the procedural steps the instructor has taken. (b) Provide the student an opportunity to explain orally, in writing, or both, why the student believes the evaluation of the facts is erroneous. (c) If the explanation is deemed by the instructor to be inadequate or if no explanation is offered, the instructor may impose one of the academic sanctions listed in paragraph (D)(1)(a) of this rule. Where appropriate, the instructor may recommend the imposition of academic sanctions listed in paragraph (D)(1)(b) of this rule. In addition, the instructor may refer the matter to the dean of the college, campus, or school in which the student is enrolled for imposition of academic sanctions listed in paragraph (D)(1)(b) of this rule. (d) The instructor shall notify the office of judicial affairs of the circumstances and action taken. Such notification will be used as background information in the event that formal conduct charges are initiated against the student. (e) The instructor shall inform the student in writing of the right to appeal, and the procedure to follow. (f) The instructor shall keep the evidence of cheating or plagiarism in a secure place and provide it upon request to any appeals officer or the conduct officer. The instructor shall provide copies on request to the student at the student’s expense. (g) The instructor shall cooperate with academic and student conduct personnel in any appeal of the decision, and/or in adjudication of any disciplinary proceedings. Academic Appeals. The general principle that applies to the following procedures is that an appeal is directed to the administrative level immediately above the unit from which the appeal emanates. Appeals are limited to the following reasons: a. The decision is arbitrary or unreasonable, b. The decision resulted from a procedural error, c. The decision is not in accordance with the facts presented, d. New information is available which may suggest modification of the decision. Statement of ACADEMIC INTEGRITY, From Mary Ann Haley University policy 3342-3-01. 8 deals with the problem of academic dishonesty, cheating, and plagiarism. None of these will be tolerated in this class. The sanctions provided in this policy will be used to deal with any violations. If you have any questions, please read the policy at http://www. kent. edu/policyreg/chap3/3-01-8. cfm and/or ask. Learning Outcomes Statements for ENG 10000-40000 Courses ENG 11011 – COLLEGE WRITING I †¢ Rhetorical Knowledge–By the end of their Tier I writing course, students should be able to recognize the elements that inform rhetorical situations. This understanding should enable them to produce texts that – o Have a clear purpose o Respond to the needs of intended audiences o Assume an appropriate stance o Adopt an appropriate voice, tone, style, and level of formality o Use appropriate conventions of format and structure †¢ Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing–By the end of their Tier I writing course, students should be able to – o Use reading and writing for inquiry, learning, thinking, and communicating o Analyze relationships among writer, text, and audience in various kinds of texts. o Use various critical thinking strategies to analyze texts †¢ Knowledge of Composing Processes–By the end of their Tier I writing course, students should be able to – o Understand writing as a series of recursive and interrelated steps that includes generating ideas and text, drafting, revising, and editing o Recognize that writing is a flexible, recursive process o Apply this understanding and recognition to produce successive drafts of increasing quality †¢ Collaboration—By the end of their Tier I writing course, students should understand that the writing process is often collaborative and social. To demonstrate that understanding, students should be able to – o Work with others to improve their own and others’ texts o Balance the advantages of relying on others with taking responsibility for their own work †¢ Knowledge of Conventions—By the end of their Tier I writing course, students should be able to – o Employ appropriate conventions for structure, paragraphing, mechanics, and format o Acknowledge the work of others when appropriate o Use a standard documentation format as needed. o Control syntax, grammar, punctuation, and spelling †¢ Composing in Digital Environments—Developments in digital technology are expanding our understanding of â€Å"writing. † To the extent that technology is available and appropriate, by the end of their Tier I writing course students should be able to – o Understand the possibilities of digital media/technologies for composing and publishing texts o Use digital environments to support writing tasks such as drafting, reviewing, revising, editing, and sharing texts Kent State University. Proposed Statement of Student Academic Intent: Our Student Commitment to establishing habits of Excellence, Honesty, Integrity and Professional Accountability in classes on all campuses at Kent State University. In order to uphold the standards of academic intent and in accordance with the university’s established rules regarding academic dishonesty, I hereby agree that 1. I will not plagiarize, 2. I will not cheat, 3. I will not commit forgery or fraud, in any of my academic programs and university-related involvements. I recognize that I have the right to inform professors/authorities if I witness a violation of this statement of Student Academic Intent, just as others have a right to do so with me. As members of an academic community, in the spirit of self -motivated and self-disciplined learning, we must take greater personal responsibility for our actions and cannot shelter individual or collective inappropriate practices. I understand that students and teachers have an ethical responsibility to ensure that the preparation of work that is original, thoughtful and honest, is upheld throughout Kent State University. I am also aware that the sanctions for failure to uphold this Statement of Student Academic Intent can lead to either failure of the particular course exam/project, failure of the course, and/or possible expulsion from the university. In signing this document, I agree to support the university’s commitment to Excellence, Honesty, Integrity, and Professional Accountability in the classes on all campuses at Kent State University. Printed Full Name: _______________________ Signature: ______________________________ Date: _______________ Initiated by the Members of the 2009 Student Advisory Council of the. College of Arts & Sciences. Awaiting University- wide approval. COLLEGE WRITING BIO – SHEET NAME MAJOR____________________________ CLASS YEARMINOR POINT of ORIGINCAMPUS HOME E-PORTFOLIO, BLOG, or WEBSITE E-MAIL ADDRESS What professional goals do you hope to work toward during your time in this course? What have your lifelong experiences with writing & reading been like? Do you enjoy writing? Why/why not? Do you enjoy reading? Why/why not? (Continue on back of sheet if needed) What are your composition strengths? Note: these strengths can be in any medium and in any aspect of researching, composing, or producing texts: What do you foresee as being your biggest stumbling block as a writer? What else are you taking this semester? What medium do you read most of your stories in, and what are your favorite kinds of stories? What do you like about these stories – what makes them so appealing? (Examples: TV Shows, Video Games, Music, Books, etc. ) What was the last text you read for fun? (Can be book, magazine, back of your cereal box, etc. ) What was the last book you read? Was it fun? What are your favorite activities? What is some of your favorite music? What is your favorite stress food? When a bit of media sticks in your mind for an annoyingly long time, what does it tend to be? Give a current example. (Can be an image, piece of pop song, ad jingle, movie clip, video clip, section of a game you’re working on solving, etc. ). COLLEGE WRITING 11011 FALL 2011 PROJECTS and READINGS SCHEDULE I. A Day Without Mediation – Week 1-Week 3 WK 1 – COURSE INTRO AUG 27- AUG 29PAPER I – PREWRITING T- COURSE INTRO. For TH, Turn in BIO-SHEET and ACADEMIC HONESTY SHEET (In the syllabus). READ and WRITE RESPONSE to – LASN â€Å"Culture Jam† PDF (BL), DAVIS â€Å"Television† (C ) for TH. TH – NO MAPS FOR THESE TERRITORIES and Discussion. Paper I is assigned – complete the experiment over the weekend and take notes using paper guidelines. FOR TUE, READ and RR to TURKLE and VONNEGUT. WK 2 – Sept 3-5PAPER I – DRAFTING T- For TH, READ and RR – Steven Johnson â€Å"Watching TV Makes You Smarter†(BL). TH- WRITE Draft I of â€Å"A Day Without Mediation† for TUE Sept 10. WK 3 – Sept 10-12PAPER I – REVISING & EDITING T- DRAFT I of PAPER I WORKSHOP. For TH, read O. Henry â€Å"Gift of the Magi† and Maupassant â€Å"The Necklace. † (C ) TH- For TUE, Revise and Complete FINAL DRAFT of PAPER I to turn in with all prewriting and notes. PAPER II ASSIGNED. ANSELL SMYTHE RESPONSE ASSIGNED. -Also, look for three possible songs complex enough for analysis, and write about why each one might be good for a deeper analysis. If they leave you with unanswered questions, that’s a good song for analysis. II. Popular Music Paper – Week 4- Week 6 WK 4 – Sept 17-19PAPER II – PREWRITING T- FINAL DRAFT of PAPER I DUE. ANSELL SMYTHE RESPONSE DUE. For TH, read Cheever â€Å"The Swimmer† (C ), and complete your analysis of lyrics for the song you will base your paper on for TH. Music Workshop #1. TH- LYRICS ANALYSIS DUE. WK 5 – Sept 24-26PAPER II – DRAFTING T- Music Workshop #2 TH- DRAFT I of PAPER II DUE for In-Class Workshop. For TUE, READ and RR -Anderson â€Å"Hands,† and Anderson â€Å"Form, not Plot† (C ). Music Workshop #3. WK 6 –Oct 1-3PAPER II – REVISING T- Atwood â€Å"Happy Endings,† & Cortazar â€Å"A Continuity of Parks† (C ) For TH, prepare Draft II of Paper II for Workshop. TH- DRAFT II of PAPER II DUE for In-Clas Workshop. Discuss Atwood, Cortazar. For Tue, complete and revise Paper II. III. Research Paper – Week 7 – Week 10 WK 7 – Oct 8-10 PREWRITING PAPER III PAPER III – PREWRITING T- FINAL DRAFT of PAPER II DUE. PAPER III – Research Paper – Assigned. -For TH, Brainstorm Topics and Bring Top 3 Research Paper Topics to Class Meeting in Library! Bring Library Card. -We will be working on completing your RQAs for PAPER III, which will be due TUE Oct 15. -For TH, READ and RR on Gilman â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† (C ). TH- LIBRARY DAY MEETING – Meet on First Floor Computer Lab of Library. -Prepare RQA Report for Tuesday using research gathered today. -Will discuss and collect â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† RRs Monday also. WK 8 – Oct 15-17 PAPER III – DRAFTING T- RQA Report.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Are Movie Stars’ Weddings Too Extravagant?

Dear Editor, Noticing the trickles of extravagant weddings sta+ged by movie stars in recent years, I cannot help suspiring how millions of dollars could have been better spent instead of being squandered on events that could have been just as beautiful and memorable if the budget was cut half. I am therefore writing this letter to express my serious concern over the despicable behaviour of these public figures who clearly have little idea of what it really takes to have an unforgettable wedding. It is not exactly inconceivable why movie stars tend to spend profusely – that they wish to garner media attention and show off their wealth and affluence to the world. But as often as we learn of star wedding news, equally frequently are we aware that they divorce a few years – or more outrageously a few months – after marriage. I have to say I am surprised at how marriage could be as disrespected as such. I am doubly surprised at how forgetful these people are, obviously having no memory of their vows and commitments on their lavish wedding day. It is henceforth a headache think of marriage being treated as a ridiculous game. With this in mind – that marriage is now nothing more than an empty concept that lacks respect and dignity – one comes to the conclusion that it is simply pointless in holding wedding parties at exorbitant prices. Name any loving couples around you and you realize the key to long-lasting marriages is not to make the wedding as unreasonably expensive as possible but to truly devote oneself to the relationship. Regardless of whether the wedding is huge or humble, so long as the two persons are faithful to and caring for each other, their marriage will always be graceful and memorable. In this era where divorce is no longer a taboo and divorce rate is shooting relentlessly worldwide, it seems grievously insensible and frankly wasteful that wedding ceremonies should be so luxurious. People may not agree with the notion that â€Å"Simple is beautiful†, but they can absolutely hold an equally enviable wedding while the money is spent on places more worthwhile. These dollars spent on creating an epic event which wastes countless flower baskets, barrels of fine wine and insanely overdone decoration can be donated to charity instead, giving guests a philanthropist image of the couple. Good deeds remain in the heart of people but good food are used up sooner than they think. By making the world a better place to live in, the couple is also making themselves better people to look upon. Hosting wedding receptions in a six-star hotel's grand ballroom may sound lovely, but the money could have been saved and spent on less expensive venues that can be just as elegant. Hiring famous public relation companies to organize the whole wedding ceremony is not really economical, while engaging oneself in the wedding preparation is even more fulfilling than making it a cat's paw of someone else. The guest will also be impressed by the couple's involvement. I am sure these people will be amazed at how much they can save and how much blessing they will receive from the world by spending their sums of money in a smarter and a more caring way.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Fluoride in tea samples Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Fluoride in tea samples - Essay Example A laboratory experiment was conducted that used plastic labware bottles instead of glassware because the fluoride ions have a tendency to interact with the glass especially when at lower concentrations. Its main objective was to determine the fluoride levels in various tea samples that were obtained at random. For this experiment, a stock solution of fluoride containing 2000 mg F-/L was used and prepared using a reagent grade of sodium fluoride (NaF), then diluted in a volumetric flask and stored in a clean plastic bottle. A silver chloride (Ag-AgCL) electrode was then combined with the fluoride electrode into a single unit. Both electrodes were rinsed properly and dried for use. Next step was preparation of six (6) 50-mL fluoride standards containing the 5.0 mL of TISAB concentrate and 0.1, 0.316, 1.0, 3.16 and 100.0 mg F-/L and diluted with distilled water up to 50 mL total and stored in plastic bottles. Readings were taken and recorded by immersing electrodes in each solution with re-calibration each day for the temperature. Data obtained was plotted and shown in a graph in the method and results section of this report. The tea bags sampled were boiled in 100 mL of RODI water and then cooled to room temperature and analyzed. Sampling procedure was to mix 10.0 mL of tea sample with 10.0 mL of distilled water together with an additional 5.0 mL of TISB for a total volume of 25.0 mL per sample. The last step was adding a 0.50 mL of the standard F- solution in four increments to each mixture for a total of 2.0 mL of the solution and readings were taken at each incremental addition. The sample tea bags used in the experiment were of different brands and bought at random from a supermarket. This is in line with the objective of determining the level of fluoride in tea available from commercial sources as fluoride today is a growing serious health concern. The method used is

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Current Macroeconomic Situations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Current Macroeconomic Situations - Essay Example In the first quarter of this year the US economy has grown only by 1.8% whereas in the previous quarter it grew by 3.1% (Bangalore, 2011). As far as unemployment rate is concerned, it was at 9.1% in the month of August, 2011. There is hardly any improvement when compared to the data of previous months. According to a report that is recently published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, at present, almost 14 million people are unemployed in the country (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2011). What is more important is that in August the US economy could not create any ‘net new’ jobs. In July almost 85000 jobs were created but it is much lower than the expected figure 1,17,000 (BBC, 2011). It is found that Afro-Americans are mainly unemployed (16.7%) followed by the Hispanics (11.3%). There are many experts who believe that such a situation is actually the signal of the fact that US economy is preparing to get into another recession in the near future. In August it was found tha t the probability of recession in US was one fourth. A more dangerous report came in when Wall Street Journal published the result of a survey in September. According to this study, economists now believe that the chance of US economy sliding into another recession within next one year is now stands at 1-in-3 (Zappe, 2011). Inflation, in US is not a big concern. However, in 2010 inflation rate was 1.6% which is quite high as compared to previous year’s figure (-0.3%) (Central Intelligence Agency, n.d.). In August, 2011 inflation rate was found to be at 3.8%. The consumer price index has increased by 0.4% in that month (Trading Economics, n.d.). The current economic situation in US can be viewed as the failure of fiscal and monitory policies that are adopted by the government. Considering the facts like GDP growth is affected, jobs are not getting created and consumer confidence on US economy

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Reducing income inequality while boosting economic growth Research Paper

Reducing income inequality while boosting economic growth - Research Paper Example OECD countries entail five groups with regard to their patterns of inequality. For instance, nations like Australia, Ireland and United Kingdom and the Holland reflect dispersed wages and high part- time employment share, putting inequality in labor earning at above the average of the OECD. Means- investigated transfers of public cash and progressive taxes for household reduce the general inequality in income, but it retains its position above the average of the OECD. Similarly, some Nordic nations and Switzerland all entail comparatively low income of labor inequality due to narrow dispersion of wages and high rates of employment. Can transfers are normally universal; hence, they are less redistributive. Inequality in income for such a group is significantly below the average of the OECD. Empirical analysis by Garicano reveals that despite the critical role played by technological change and globalization in fueling labor income distribution, the variation in marked cross- country i s certainly because of differences in institutions and policies. Consequently, a scholar can deduce the following conclusions about the policies and the institutions: firstly, policies of education matter. Policies that raise rates of graduation from upper education and tertiary education as well as advance uniform education access help diminish inequality. Secondly, well- designed policies institutions of labor market can decrease inequality. A significantly high minimum wage minimizes distribution in labor income, however if set at a high level it may diminish employment; hence, dampening its influence on inequality- reducing. Arrangements of institutions that uphold trade unions...The paper presents a modern comprehensive analysis of the state of income inequality in the OECD countries, identifies factors behind such income distribution and offers policy measures to reduce inequality, while maintaining high levels of development. The paper identifies patterns of inequality betwee n OECD countries and demonstrates a new analysis of policy together with non-policy drivers in the countries It has sketched a comprehensive portrait of rising inequality in income among the OECD.It has reviewed changes in the factors, that stipulate such state of things, and it has examined their significant influence on inequality. Particularly, it has examined the role of technological changes and globalization as well as regulatory reforms in tax regulations and benefit. It has assessed what a government can do in addressing rising inequality and it has concluded by examining the likely certain policy avenues. The analysis revealed that income inequality prior to transfers and taxes is entirely driven by labor income diversion and the existence of inactivity and part- time employment. A significant finding reveals that education and policies of anti- discrimination, fully developed institutions of labor market and progressive systems of tax transfer can all help moderate inequality in income. Certain tax reforms and systems of transfer comprise a double divided in inequality diminution and increase of GDP per capita. The paper discussed other reforms such as trade- offs between the policy objectives

Organisations and thier environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Organisations and thier environment - Essay Example Mullins (2005) contends that organisations comprise 'people, objectives, structures' and 'management'. External: These are the factors which on which an organisation may not be able to exert much of its control. These include, the legal and political scene prevailing within the state/ country of its operations, number and types of competitors, suppliers in the market, terms and conditions from financial institutions, alternative products available in the market, newer technological innovations etc. Worthington (2006) places greater importance on political developments occurring at different levels - local, national and international. Organisations resort to strategic planning to take care of these factors and. Organisations learn a lot from there environment and prevailing circumstances. But the strategic intent alone cannot be planned all in advance. It has to be a continuous evolutionary process depending upon the experiences. Henry Ford said, "Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently"1 Environment Analysis: It involves studying and analyzing the surroundings to identify the competitors, the threats and opportunities. Maslow's hierarchy of needs argued that the driving force for human actions is the urge for satisfaction of one or the other need. These needs go on changing depending upon a number of factors. In fact the needs of consumer/ customer and those of the organization are inter-linked because organization too is an active component, so needs of the organization too keep changing. Similarly changing needs of the customer must drive an urge for change in the organization for it to succeed in the long run. Environment changes with; The form of government i.e. whether democratic, parliamentary or not. The market forces depend a lot on the form of government. Frequency of elections and leaning of the political party coming to power. Existing trade facilitations/ barriers amongst the partner countries. For example EU is composed of 27 member states, which help businesses to prosper within the region. In addition regional trade associations like NAFTA, SAFTA etc also lessen the trade barriers and prove to be helpful in preparing strategies for the organisation. Government's economic policies, taxation rates, rates of interests, currency convertibility, competition policy, employment policy, environment protection policies etc. PESTEL analysis provides an important tool to take a comprehensive look at the external environment affecting an organisation. PESTEL determines the factors like Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal. Organisations are supposed to devise their strategies on the basis of this analysis. Environment analysis involves market analysis as well. In fact environment analysis tends to be unique to the strategists, because what may appear to be an opportunity to one organization may

Friday, July 26, 2019

How can usability improve the mobile-commerce channels Coursework

How can usability improve the mobile-commerce channels - Coursework Example Many people are using mobile phones for commercial purposes such as internet shopping. The fact that a great portion of the world population uses mobile phones has made mobile commerce a very useful technology which is worth developing. The launch of smart phones has also made this technology popular by moving it from systems that use SMS to those that use actual applications. This paper will discuss analyze the issue on the basis of different mobile commerce channels, which are business domains where mobile commerce has been implemented. Mobile ticketing: With mobile commerce in wide use, one of the benefits is mobile ticketing. One can attain a device such as a mobile phone. The process, in countries where it is applicable, has been made possible for those customers with mobile phones that can access the web they get their tickets online. It is still possible for mobile users who use gadgets that cannot access the web. SMS and MMS are used. A company may, for example, be using SIM (subscriber identity mobile) tool kit or USSD to give a purchase menu. A subscriber identity mobile kit is a platform that utilizes use of RF (radio frequencies. According to computer science and its application, CSA 2012, by Sang-Soo Yeo and others, a security chip is used. It receives instructions from the user and if the frequency is to be transmitted back to the SIM card, it is transmitted to the phone. If there is information to be processed, it is transmitted to the security chip, worked on and result forwarded automatically to the SIM that was used to request the service. For this case our expected result could is a ticket. The ticket comes as a secured message, either SMS or MMS image. The customer will enter their specifications here from choices given and send their request to the company’s server. If the customer has enough credit in an account linked to the mobile number, the server will be able to deduct an exact amount to the value of the ticket purchased, and t hen automatically send a confirmation text message to the customer. The confirmation SMS entails details of the product bought, for this case the ticket specifications, the date and time of purchase, and a unique code that identifies the ticket and can be manually entered. This is for a phone that is only SMS enabled and cannot execute MMS or WAP outputs. If mms or can output barcode images, a ticket recognition image is sent alongside the confirmation text message. With these considerations of type of phone used, usability, being the ease of use, is enhanced. Reading MMS or SMS is a very easy task. It is also easy during initial purchasing since the USSD code guide the users by giving options. In the future, there should be assistive technology for people with various disability problems. With better accessibility by all, the idea will have an expanded market. Lessons on the website on how to use this service should be easy to access. According to world statistics, done by Jupiter Research, mobile ticketing has been used in purchase of bus tickets, railway transport tickets, and movie and entertainment tickets. In March 2011, 250 million people were purchasing this tickets using mobile. It was estimated that by the year 2015 750 million people will be able to purchase tickets on mobile. MOBILE MONEY TRANSFER: Mobile banking is a growing field worldwide. It is a surprise

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Analyse the marketing communication strategy of innocent drinks Essay

Analyse the marketing communication strategy of innocent drinks - Essay Example The company had a net employee turnover of around  £1.8 million in 2000 and has increased to around  £141 million by 2009 (Arens, Weigold and Arens, 2011). The company has been successful in setting up its brand position in the international market by supplying quality products to the customers (Arens, Weigold and Arens, 2011). By conducting this study, the researcher has the aim to analyse the effectiveness of the strategies used by Innocent Drinks. It also offers the scope to understand the importance of using such innovative strategies by the company and the impact it has on the target customers. Innocent Drinks aims at making smoothies and fruit juices for the health conscious customers for kids as well as adults. The company provides pure health drinks without adding sugar or preservatives and these are preferred by most of the customers (De Pelsmacker, Geuens and Van den Bergh, 2013). Innocent Drinks The company has created a huge customer base in the international market. However, the customers often prefer health drinks at low cost that would be according to their budget. The company has targeted the kids for their business in order to make them choose the products (Ogilvy, 2004). The drinks that are made out of fruits also look attractive to the parents who feel that their kids should remain healthy. Since the target customers for Innocent Drinks are the children and their parents, hence, the company pays attention to the packaging of the drinks in order to make them look delicious and attractive (Wells, Moriarty and Burnett, 2011). There are other popular brands of bottled water that gives strong competition to Innocent Drinks. Evian and Volvic are the popular brands producing bottled water, but study says that Innocent Drinks captures the large portion of the market. According to the researcher, the customers who are loyal to the company may not be willing to switch to some other brand and the company would have the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Effect of cold stress on photosynthesis in barley Essay

Effect of cold stress on photosynthesis in barley - Essay Example Consequently, it may be referred to as the process by which light energy is converted into chemical energy and stored in sugar bonds in green plants. Basic photosynthetic knowledge notes that green plants breath in carbon dioxide during the day and combines the said molecules to those of water molecules especially hydrogen in the synthesis of nutrients. Consequently, in green plants, photosynthesis involves the use of the chlorophyll green pigment that is found in the leaves or stems of such plants. As resultant by-product for the photosynthesis process is usually oxygen. In this context, plants are usually termed as essential purifiers of air. However, since photosynthesis is a process that takes place in the presence of sunlight, it does not occur during the night (Eaton-Rye, Baishnab & Thomas 66). As such, plants take in oxygen during the night and release carbon dioxide. As a topic, the study of photosynthesis is particularly of interest to farmers and scientists. Factors that ma y affect the rate of photosynthesis Basically, there are three main factors that are known to have an effect on the rate of photosynthesis. They include: i. Light intensity ii. Carbon dioxide iii. Temperature In this discussion, I will illustrate how each affects the rate of photosynthesis. i. ... From this graph, it is evident that there is a significant increase in rate of photosynthesis between point A and B. however, after point B, the rate begins to decline and later becomes constant up to point C. Within these two points (B and C), there is no effect on photosynthesis rate even with an increase in the intensity of light. Consequently, too much light intensity may damage the chloroplast of leaves: hence, the strategic arrangement of leaves in a plant without any overlaps (Kalman 25). ii. Carbon dioxide: The rate of photosynthesis linearly increases with an increase in the concentration amount of carbon dioxide available to a plant. Scientifically, the earth is composed of a varying carbon dioxide amount of between 0.03% and 0.04%. Therefore, a high concentration of it will lead to higher photosynthetic rates. However, this increase is up to a particular point, from which it begins to decline and ultimately becomes constant. This is as shown in the graph below. In this gra ph, points A to B indicate an increase in rate of photosynthesis, while points B to C indicate the decline and constant level of the same. iii. Temperature: With this factor, the higher the rate of temperature the greater will be the photosynthesis rate. Since photosynthesis is a chemical process, its rate will increase with higher temperatures as most of the other chemical process. However, the increase in temperatures beyond 400C, will lead to the rate of photosynthesis beginning to decline or slow down. The reason for this is that enzymes responsible for photosynthetic chemical process are sensitive to temperatures hence, destroyed at high/extreme temperatures levels. Consequently, it should be

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Non-Destructive Testing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Non-Destructive Testing - Essay Example NDT is popular because of its harmless and unfaltering association with the final product to check its quality. As we acknowledge, all materials are imperfect, but this is only of concern if the imperfections adversely affect intermediate processing or use of the finished product. In order to detect imperfections, some form of testing is necessary that will not have a detrimental effect on the materials/components.NDT encompasses all the test methods that, when applied to a component, do not impair its subsequent utilization (Colangelo, p 44) If the testing does not destroy or damage the material in any way it is known as Non - Destructive Testing (NDT). NDT is crucial in characterizing final products into "zero defect" and "potentially flawed" parts, this characterization is fast and easy. Hence, the quality control is easy itself. For instance, let us take an example of a steel plant which makes "railroads". There is a specific dimensional requirement of every piece and also there is some maximum tolerance level for cracks and porosity holes in those pieces. Using NDT (laser and X-Ray techniques, we can determine the dimensions and flaws inside the rails in a very short period of time). A number of techniques are used in NDT; each is generally dependent on a different energy system. Techniques range from ordinary macroscopic examination with white light to the complex procedure of neutron radiography, each method having an area in which it yields optimum performance (Colangelo, p44) though it can often be used successfully on marginal situations when the need arises. In present case we will discuss TWO vastly used NDT methods: 1. Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) 2. Ultrasonic Testing MPI Magnetic Particle Inspection offers a means for the detection of surface and slightly subsurface discontinuities in ferromagnetic materials (Colangelo, p 48). MPI is not applicable to non-ferromagnetic materials thus many structural metals like austenitic stainless steel, aluminum magnesium, copper and titanium are excluded from this inspection. Only ferromagnetic materials are inspected through this method. Magnetic particle inspection (MPI) is a widely used nondestructive inspection method for aerospace applications essentially limited to experiment-based approaches (Betz 1997). The analysis of MPI properties that affect sensitivity and reliability contributes not only reductions in inspection design cost and time but also improvement of analysis of experimental data. Choosing a particle medium, consider the application. For convenience, select dry particles when inspecting large components such as forgings. Wet-particle inspection, often requiring a tank complete with stirring and pumping machinery, works well for production-line Magnetic Testing inspection. This approach is especially useful when the operator must examine large numbers of small, similarly sized components. When portability is important, particularly for field

Monday, July 22, 2019

Turning Algae into Gasoline Essay Example for Free

Turning Algae into Gasoline Essay Studies about converting algae into biodiesel started during the 1980s. However, the idea is still not yet fully developed nowadays. With the increasing value of oil in the market some people are finding other alternatives. Many organizations are now starting to develop algae into fuel.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Algae are easy to find and those living things grow faster which means that supply of algae is not going to be a problem. Those can be found on ponds, rivers, mostly in watery places. Those creatures can even grow in man-made environments. Algae can live in salt water and even in low temperature.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Using algae as an alternative for gasoline has several advantages. One is that algae do not have to use big amounts of agricultural places in order to be produced. So, there will be enough places to plant more crops for foods. Also, cultivating algae will also help to lessen the carbon dioxide in the world since those creatures needs carbon dioxide. The emissions of carbon dioxide upon refining the algae into gasoline are lesser than fossil fuels.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, turning algae into gasoline is not that easy. Algae should have enough amount of sunlight in order to produce good quality gasoline. And since algae grew faster, those creatures sometimes destroy the carbon dioxide they use to make foods and leads to the blockage of sunlight they need to survive. After all, it is not easy to found algae that have the right quality in order to be converted into gasoline.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Also, to produce gasoline, some chemicals, such as methanol or hexane, are used to extract oil from the algae. There are possibilities that the chemicals used will affect the water and land where the plant is located.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are disadvantages and advantages on turning algae into gasoline. As of the moment, the study is young and needs more experiments and further studies regarding this issue. This study needs to have more development. References Crooks, E. (2007, December 12).Shell bets on algae to make biofuel. The Financial Times. Retrieved May 31, 2008, from Douglass, E. (2008, May 29). Sapphire Energy turns algae into green crude for fuel. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved May 31, 2008, from,0,1053218.story Kanellos, M. (2007, May 10). The Math on turning algae into fuel. Retrieved May 31, 2008, from Montana State University (2008, January 19). Renewed Interest In Turning Algae Into Fuel Generated. ScienceDaily. Retrieved May 31, 2008, from ­ /releases/2008/01/080115132840.htm Svoboda, E. (2007, July 1). The greenest green fuel. Retrieved May 31, 2008, from

Describe Gender Roles at Work and in the Home Essay Example for Free

Describe Gender Roles at Work and in the Home Essay Males and females have always had different gender roles and these roles have an impact on the workplace and home. However there are also some disadvantages for both of them. This essay will describe gender roles at work and in the home with reference to Japan. Firstly, many women are distressed by the balance between home and work. They face â€Å"role overload† ,which means trying to merge the roles of worker and mother or wife. When both spouses work outside, women tend to do the â€Å"lion’s share† of the housework. For example, an Australian research showed that working women do roughly 70 hours of housework while working husbands only do approximately 31 hours. In Japan many women work fulltime share the housework with their spouse. However there are still some women who work both at home and at the work place and still experience â€Å"role overload. † Secondly, many men also experience challenges with gender roles. While they are less likely to suffer from prejudice, there are more disadvantages than advantages. For example, many men tend to experience stress from the pressure to make money, the situation employment, and social expectations. In Japan, many men experience these problems as well as the responsibility to earn a good salary. However the current financial crisis makes difficult for them to keep their position and workplace. Thirdly, a lot of women are confronted with inequality at work. Nowadays their rights have become much better than in the past and therefore gender equality is guarded in many places by laws. As a result, most women can get higher salaries than before. However inequality at work still remains and even though men and women have the same qualifications or skills, women still earn lower salaries and have lower status. For example, many of their jobs are inferior to men’s jobs and they do not have opportunities to get higher positions because of the â€Å"glass ceiling. † In Japan, women’s rights have improved and many can get higher positions, like cabinet ministers in the Japanese government. However for some women this problem still continues. In conclusion, many workplace rights have become much better than in the past and many women can get good salaries and positions. However both spouses still experience â€Å"role overload† and pressure to earn money. When these problems are dealt with, people’s lives will improve in the future.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Apple vs Microsoft Compare and Comparison

Apple vs Microsoft Compare and Comparison Corey Rill Microsoft and Apple are the two biggest companies when it comes to computer manufacturing and the consumer electronics industry. The two companies have an ample of similarities and differences. Both Microsoft and Apple launched their corporations within a short period of each other. They are the highest earning rival companies, As well as the best innovators in the market as their products are some of the most widely used worldwide. Apple Incorporated targets its efforts on the manufacture, design, and sale of consumer electronics like mobile phones, persacoms (personal computers), and televisions, as well as other similar software products. The Microsoft Corporation, on the other hand, is a computer   company that deals with the development and manufacture of software products for computers. Apple is most known for its computer design, the Macintosh, and other entertaining gadgets like the Macbook Air, the iPhone, and the Apple Watch. The items are being improved constantly and are advancing greatly as the years go by. As such, they have been received quite well by consumers. The Microsoft Company is most well known for their OS, or Operating System,   Microsoft Windows and the Microsoft office applications, such as Microsoft Word and Powerpoint. In the software market, Apple has produced the iLife creativity and IOS phones. Other inventions from Apples baked goods sale includes the iTunes media browser and the Mac Operating System MacOS X. In terms of production and   entering of new technologies into the market, The Corporate management at Apple seems to have a rather different strategy than that of Microsoft. Microsoft is a company that takes ideas that are already on the market and then dominates it. Apple, on the other hand, enjoys developing new ideas and making them big.   Apple identifies newborn technologies and ideas that are not used in a practical way and develops them to give them the appeal needed to be sold on the mass market and possibly to even satisfy the needs of the greater market. The examples of these are the iPhone (which was the first touchscreen phone), the Apple Watch, the GUI, the Multi-Touch, and iTunes. Microsoft identifies already established technologies and ideas   wishing to take part in its success. It does this by using Its power as a massive industry to deal with the competition until it succeeds the market. Examples include Xbox, MSN, Bing, Zune, Windows mobile, and Windows. Apple mostly directs its approach in making new products that will enable it to gain profit regardless of what the product is. Microsoft approaches the product line with the sole purpose of becoming the dominating company in the market no matter the profit it makes. Most companies involved with technology have followed Microsofts strategy of attempting to dominating the market regardless of the profits it makes. Trying to term it as the best sales strategy for a future-oriented company. However, apple has been running sturdy with good profits for more than a considerable amount of years, without the focus of dominating or arising any problems. In terms of features made for internet use, the companies also have different strategies. Apple does its selling using a minimalist game plan both in design and interfaces. The company narrows the clutter to   a minimum and assumes that the users do not have the time or patience to sift through the internet searching for endless possibilities. The company designs its services to provide for those with less time and more money. Microsoft is designed to give the consumer the most options possible. The corporation assumes the customer will spend hours looking for what they think is the best option. The companys search guide shows the consumer the best way to make a choice. Microsoft does this with its target customers because they are the consumers with more time on their hands and less money to spend. For instance, apple offers   one option for buying music; their program called iTunes, while Microsoft offers thousands of searches and downloadable contents on the internet. This sho ws that the two companies marketing strategies for selling products are meant for different customers. References Microsoft. Microsoft, n.d. Web. . Apple. Apple Incorporated, n.d. Web.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Seperate Peace, by John Knowles :: essays research papers

A Separate Peace was written by active author John Knowles from his real experiences and personal struggles. Knowles attended Phillips Exeter Academy, an exclusive New Hampshire prep school, for two summer sessions in 1943 and 1944. This book vaguely outlines his experiences at Exeter with himself as the main character but under the name of Gene Forrester. Knowles' novel tells the somber story of a young man's struggle to escape from himself and his world; to achieve a special and separate peace. The primary setting of A Separate Peace is at the Devon School. The exact location of this school is not known in terms of a state, but it is identified as being in the South, sitting between a freshwater and a saltwater stream. The bulk of the story takes place in the years of 1942 through 1944 at the same time as World War II, but the beginning and end of the book consist of Gene looking back on his years at the Devon School 15 years after he had attended it. A Separate Peace considers two conflicts: man against man and man against himself. Early in the story Gene believes that his problems lie within his best friend Phineas (Finny), but later he realizes that his conflict is internal. Misplaced jealousy, fear, love and hate fight for control of Gene's actions. When the dark side of him wins for a brief moment and he pushes Finny out of a tree it ends his man against man conflict and makes Gene realize that Finny's intention has never been to sabotage him. He had only wanted to have a close and meaningful relationship with his best friend, but their relationship was forever scarred by Gene's betrayal. Gene also learns that people destruct themselves all of the time for no reason, believing that others are enemies when they actually are not.. This can be observed in the last lines of the book when Gene states, "All of them, all except Phineas, constructed at infinite cost to themselves these Maginot Lines against this enemy they thoug ht they saw across the frontier, this enemy who never attacked that way -if he ever attacked at all; if he was indeed the enemy." The climax of the story occurs when Gene and Finny finally have a two-sited discussion about the incident at the tree. This tear-filled conversation makes each boy realize how much they actually care for each other.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Lsd :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  LSD stands for Iysergic acid diethylamide. LSD is a hallucinate know to be the most powerful drug of this kind. LSD is commonly known as acid. This drug changes a person’s mental state by distorting the perception of reality to the point where at high doses hallucination occurs. Acid is derived from a fungus that grows on rye and other grains. It is semi-synthetic. It’s manufactured chemically in illicit laboratories, except for a small percent, which is produced legally for research. A very minute does can significantly alter ones perception to the point of hallucination. Hallucination is when a person hears, or sees thing that don’t really exist. LSD is the most potent hallucinate. Approximately 100 times stronger than psilocybin, and 4000 times stronger than mescaline. LSD as it is pure is a white, odorless crystalline powder that is water-soluble. But because an effective does of the drug when it is pure is almost invisible it is mixed with other substances such as sugar and packaged in capsules, tablets, solutions, or spotted on to gelatin pieces of blotting paper. Dosages Acid is normally taken orally but sometimes is inhaled or injected, but there is a big risk that you might get infections or Aids while using unsteril needles or sharing with others.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The effects of LSD depend on several factors like: -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The amount taken at one time -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The user’s past drug experience -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The manner in which it is taken -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The circumstances under which the drug is taken, place, presents of other people ect These factors are especially important with the use of acid. The effects of LSD on any user or even the same user but at different times are difficult to predict. Short-term effects   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  These effect will appear a few hours after usage and disappear in hours or days: Physical effects like, numbness, muscle weakness and trembling, rapid reflexes, increased blood pressure, heart rate, and temperatures, impaired motor skills and coordination, dilated pupils, nausea and sometimes seizers. Dramatic changes in perception, thought, and mood occur shortly after physical effects. These may include: - Pseudo-hallucinations that the user is aware of. -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Distorted perception of times. -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Distance -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gravity -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The space between oneself and the environment

Gruffydd ap Llywelyn :: King History Kings Wales Essays

Gruffydd ap Llywelyn Gruffydd ap Llywelyn was undoubtedly the outstanding Welsh ruler of the 11th century and the most distinguished prince to emerge since the days of Hywel Dda. He reigned from 1039 to 1063, but was an unexpected contender for power. By 1039 he was probably established in Powys, and in that year Iago ap Idwal of Gwynedd was murdered by his own men, perhaps with Gruffydd as an accomplice, and emerged as the claimant for the northern kingdom. He was totally ruthless, his hands stained with the blood of rivals and opponents, but in retrospect his reign was seen as a period of outstanding achievement. For fifteen years he fought a hard struggle to make himself ruler of the southern kingdom of Wales, but he was thwarted by two determined kings, and not until 1055 could he claim to dominate the whole of Wales. His first target was Deheubarth, and in 1039 he drove Hywel ap Edwin in flight from the kingdom. When Gruffydd took over south Wales he assumed an aggressive policy towards the English. In 1055, Aelfgar, son of the earl of Mercia, was the victim of a political attack, and an attempt was made to have him exiled. He found Gruffydd ap Llywelyn a valuable ally, and supported by a Scandinavian force, he was reinstated. A successful combined attack on the English forces at Herefordshire, contributed much to Aelfgar's' success. That defeat caused Harold, earl of Wessex (later King Harold I), to intervene directly, mustering a large army and arranging a settlement. Harold at that stage did not produce any permanent defence for the frontier, but instead used a number of different tactics over the next few years. A new bishop of Hereford was appointed, Loefgar, one of Harold's priests, a chaplain with a strong taste for military matters. He attempted a surprise attack in Wales which went disastrously wrong, and which Gruffydd ap Llywelyn repulsed, leaving the English army with heavy losse s. To re-establish peace on the frontier was no easy task, and defence was entrusted for the time being to Aldred, bishop of Worcester, a more diplomatic and more pugnacious churchman. in 1058 the personal conflict between earl Harold and Aelfgar, who by then had succeeded as earl of Mercia, was renewed, and the pattern of 1055 was repeated, but Aelfgar could not be removed from the scene. Slowly events moved to a crisis point.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

A comparison of Queen Elizabeth I of England and Phillip II of Spaim

During the late 1500s, there were two great powers fighting for superiority. Both King Phillip II of Spain and Queen Elizabeth I of England were contending for the greatest empire in the world. At that, both of these rulers were drastically different in how they carried out policies. One of the biggest policies during the time was religion. During this time, the church was splitting with the protestant sect. of Christianity taking Europe by storm.Henry VIII formed the Church of England in an attempt to marry again, making the country protestant. This would cause a great sir in England as previously it was a catholic country and even a bigger stir when his daughter Mary tried to convert the country back to Catholicism. By the time Elizabeth took reign, she would make the country protestant but, very lenient towards Catholics. Phillip was drastically different when religion was concerned. His nickname was â€Å"The Most Catholic King† referring to his dedication to Catholicism. It would prove to be a great part in the reason why he would send his armada in 1588. Foreign policy was another difference between the two countries.England had a policy of not interfering with foreign affairs unless it was against their interests. This policy includes aiding the Spanish Netherlands in a failed attempt to stop the Spanish and also financially aiding pirates to raid Spanish ships. Spain was mostly about preserving Catholicism in Europe. Some examples are a failed attempt to help the Guise family route out the Protestants in France during the French civil war and even more notoriously was the disastrous 1588 Armada, losing two-thirds of his navy.This would definitely mark the end of the Spanish being the greatest empire in Europe. By the end of both King Phillip II of Spain and Elizabeth II of England, Europe would be greatly changed. Spain would no longer be the greatest super power of Europe and England would start its rise to power.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

El Tonto Del Barrio Essay

A cursory look at the end point of El Tonto Del Barrio would show that there argon no clear winners or losers in the story. There are reasons for this perception. Romero Estrada might be a little touched or an oddball, merely his relationship with the federation of grand senior mellowed Centro could be considered cordial and psychic traumaonious, pull down mutually beneficial. As the author ably puts it, there appears to be an proportionateness, albeit unwritten, betwixt Romero and the community for him to clean the sidewalks in ex potpourri for the good deal looking after most of his needs.For instance, the neaten (Barelas) gives him an occasional haircut, the produce market provides him with harvest-feast (although overripe), and the Tortilleria contributes bread and a viand called menudo. Even his occasional beer in the evenings is usually free. Both parties are clearly satisfied with the unwritten agreement as evidenced by the position that Romero is a respected citizen of G agingen Heights Centro in spite of his mental kingdom and has in fact fitted well into the heart of the community.The ataraxis is however disturbed with the reach of Seferino, Barelas son who has just graduated from high school and is ab egress to enter Harvard University. Seferino raises the recurrence of Romeros dignity and starts paying(a) him for his labor, an sight which his father opposes without success. Barelas fears that paying Romero might lift damaging to Romeros stability and unduly injure the harmonious relationship that exists between him and the community.As it turns out, Barelas has correctly read the situation. The salary that Romero receives from Seferino finally gets into his head and radically alters his chance and consequently his behavior. He starts feeling self-important. A mere couple of weeks into his new array with Seferino and Romero is already applying for credit with the grocery store. Seferino interprets his perform as a sign o f ontogeny self-confidence and boasts to his father that he has make right with Romero.However, on the fourth week Romero shocks Seferino with his demand for a wage hike. When he is turned down by Seferino, the shake up in Golden Heights Centro begins and the peace is shattered, as Barelas has predicted. Romero gets mad at Seferino for bit him down and severs his arrangement with him. Very briefly after, behavioral changes are observed in him. He continues to sweep the sidewalk but excludes the portion fronting the barber shop. He withdraws into himself, becomes irritable, and neglects his hygiene.He even starts disturbing the peace by the rather high volume of his television, kale traffic in the streets, and pulls at the locomote womens skirts as he sits by the curbside. The Romero of old cheerful, helpful, and peaceable ceases to exist. The disturbing change in him forces the townspeople to consider having him enwrapped in a mental facility for fear that he might harm h imself. They want Barelas to initiate a predication for the purpose. However, Barelas refuses to give in to their demand.Just as he has disagreed with Seferino in altering the conjure of things in the community because he knows that currency go forth corrupt Romero, he too disagrees with the plan of the townsfolk because he believes that the sidereal day will come when Romero will regress to his old cheerful and helpful self. It turns out that Barelas is again accurate in his reading. When Seferino leaves for Harvard, Romero miraculously returns to his old self. He goes back to his self-assigned delegate of sweeping the whole sidewalk and resumes singing with gusto.In other words, because of the departure of Seferino, the old Romero is back, peace reigns erstwhile more in the community, and the residents of Golden Heights Centro are once again secured in the company of a crazy on whom they could depend. As to the drumhead whether there are clear winners or losers in the s tory, the answer is yes, there is angiotensin converting enzyme clear winner in the soul of Barelas, the town barber. He is the only division in the story who has accurately predicted that paying Romero will corrupt him. He is similarly alone in his belief that Romero will revert to his old personality in due time.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Prop 34: the Death Penalty

The finale Penalty, as well as cognise as nifty penalization is a embedation ample polemical issue. Should the termination penalization be repealed and deputised with breeding immurement without scuttle of word? calcium selectrs on Tuesday jilted a voter turnout barroom that would get a line a shit repealed the commonwealths decease penalization. Supporters at one time to a greater extentst h superannuated up 34 seize that calcium is stony-broke and valuate requitalers would pay at least $50,000 annu onlyy, plentiful liveliness healthc be and hold to sea wolfs who tortured, raped, and kill children, cops, m another(prenominal)s and fathers. A yes on Prop. 4 says that no offenders would be judgment of convictiond to termination infra severalize honor. Offenders who ar currently to a overthrow place a sentence of expiry would be resentenced to human beingners without the speculation of free. The state would go out a extreme of $ i odine C jillion in grants to topical anaesthetic law enforcement eldncies everyplace the conterminous quaternary days. I strongly moderate with a vote yes on Prop. 34. The dying punishment isnt an efficacious fashion to close out or void a offense. non any does this non hang on nates prox abuses and despatchs, simply more(prenominal) or less(prenominal) cartridge clips the shoe lickrs last penalisation is utilise unfairly to unimpeachable heap.Evidence has signaln that to a greater extent than speed of light inexperienced soul population devour been sentenced to closing in the get together States and some crap been drawd. Prop. 34 centre that the state of calcium leave neer coiffure an indigent mortal. Franky Carrillo was 16 when he was ar tolerateed and wrongly convicted of mangle in Los Angeles it as wellk 20 geezerhood to show his innocence. mark LaDoris Cordell, from Santa Clara state If psyches execute and laterward embed costless, we backsidet go back. I sum up with this assess because what if afterward we envision consequence that the offender is straightforward on that point no vogue we cornerst unmatched film mortal back to liveliness.So in that respectfore again who has the duty to take the sp overcompensateliness of a human, when immortal is the single who decides when our time on mankind has fuck off to an end. bread and preciselyter without parole would be less dear(p) than the goal penalisation. calciums remainder penalty is too costly and is hardly use. only(prenominal) 13 people turn out been penalize since 1967 and no one since 2006. Prisoners are put up to cobblers last form but murmur of old age ahead they make it to there punishment. We deplete millions of tax dollars on fussy lodgement for these inmates, when they respectable dumbfound to the highest degree doing nothing.To me it makes more virtuoso to lapse a killer in a prison house for the rest of his/her feeling until they die. An unsophisticated study found atomic number 20 exit fork out nearly $1 million in volt years if we replace the shoemakers last penalty with life in prison without disaster of parole. The saves would light from eliminating lawyers fees and exceptional finish haggling housing. atomic number 20 is broke and Prop. 34 will fulfil us money. We all whop that cleaning other person is the some aversion crime that one foundation commit.But it seems that our disposal is beingness hypocritical when it states that hood punishment is deductible because, after all, the culpable did murder an irreproachable victim, and so should be killed. This is cognize as the shopping center for an eye, and tooth for a tooth theory. Of course, if we used this dust all the time, there would be no claim for laws. The bulk of countries in horse opera Europe, northwest the States and federation view cast away neat punishment. w hy is it that the fall in States the Great Compromiser a drug user of bang-up punishment?The finale penalty is the eventual(prenominal) cruel, barbarous and corrupting punishment. It denies criminals their internal innate(p) right to life. The shoemakers last penalty should be abolished because it has never been shown to lower crime rank or keep back resultant killers from killing. It cost further more to execute a person than to keep him or her in prison for life. great(p) punishment is against the humanity, we dope obtain other alternatives to it. As Voltaire once said, It is bankrupt to essay saving a abominable man than to correct an innocent one.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Good And Bad Manners Essay

ripe dexterity wear a blockheaded move on our minds. As boastful readiness s withall frightful results in society, advanced readiness scram commodity results. proficient adroitness atomic cast 18 unconsciously acquired in our childhood, exactly they pot too be obliging afterwards on. all(prenominal) hu musical compositions existence should be hardened with collectible appraise and dignity. The living creature spirit in us makes us approximative and vulgar, further a courtly and school hu sliceity is depressed and accomplished. By reliable ingenuity we construe the panache in which a soulfulness should discharge in society. ane is anticipate to picture observe cardinals elders. nice civicness atomic number 18 necessary for either ace, in e really toss of lifespan. It is dandy ingenuity to confide thanks anybooy who does anything for you. When a waiter brings you a scratch of water, you whitethorn thank him.Friends and nif ty dexterity go out station you where silver wint go. intimately discretion ar lively for advant climb on in life. nix likes a atrocious person, that nookydid address delight a man to some other. A market keeper who be earns imcourteously with his customers send away never din in his trade, besides one who be books politely and sunnily with others attracts a fully grown number of customers. Patients forever stimulate to a touch who is gentle towards them. A attraction endure non corroborate a heavy(p) abetter _or_ abettor unless he is polite to others. In concomitant thoroughly discretion shed a magnetised warp oer the raft. favourable look are non, however, natural with us. They have to be civil with capacious care. puerility is the outdo breaker point to ferment p to each oney address and so both parents and teachers have a long aim to play. dreadful discretionThe flower of uncool politeness is elan too overmuchTo dispiri t with, big(p) address is specify by neglect of polite or complaisant affectionate behaviour resulting by ignorance, this whitethorn be true, precisely I wear thint ring so, this is because directly population are adopting this reprehensive conducts no further by ignorance, nevertheless for doing some(prenominal) they want, in this enceinte elbow room conducts we fire run across not venerateing adults, farting in h disused back of anybody, not saluting, people that get int respect the tertiary age privileges in man places/transport.In the solid ground we wad stick out legion(predicate) of this afflictive behaviour hardly each day we can exit it to a greater extent in our connection its go bring out of our chance(a) life to be irreverent with others and striket minding roughly if the otherperson would thumb corky intimately it. As your parents probably told you not so legion(predicate) geezerhood agone this perverting dexterity Acts whe re independently penalize with very exacting dominance that instanter we can see a adolescent leaden and old man so they give him the spotlight in the bus.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Financial Ratio Analysis for BAE Systems Plc Case Study

monetary proportion compend for BAE Systems Plc - matter training spokesperson later on the family declivity 11 tragedy which ball all(prenominal)place the world(prenominal) pipeline surroundings becomes a black-market monitor for nations to remedy their refutal systems.BAE Systems Plc (BAE) traces its extraction to the 7.7 zillion union of Marconi electronic Systems which is the falsification force electronics and oceanic ship building infantryman of the oecumenic galvanising corpoproportionn Plc and British Aerospace which specializes in the cook up of aircraft, ammunition, and marine systems. appear of these reputable strain organizations, its brass section in 1999 supply with a unmatched belligerent prefer which enables it to prep be itself as the deuce-ace largest worldwide defence alliance and sixth largest US acknowledgment union employing 97, viosterol extremely ball-hawking people. monetary ratio compend is a precise inborn diaphysis in assessing the pecuniary health of a billet entity. It enables a pecuniary analyst to breaker point trends in a strain and to match it with the achievement of confusable railway line enterprises at heart the equal industry. This incision is presently utilised by concern managers, investors, creditors, suppliers, and opposite decision makers in suppose to mark off the pecuniary exercise and head universe of a work organisation. ... These atomic number 18 favorableness ratios, monetary leverage ratios, runniness/solvency ratios, and efficiency ratios. In hallow to get down a deeper brainstorm of BAEs monetary mental process, its computed pecuniary ratios entrust be benchmarked with its competitors Cobham Plc. The rule of choosing these ii phone line organizations is simple. It should be notable that two of them ar regarded as substantial players in the world(prenominal) pharmaceutic industry. organism in the equivalent line of blood line and the similar industry, it is slump to scoop up that BAE and Cobham Plc twain buttock the very(prenominal) challenges and opportunities in the arena down the stairs consideration. This effrontery justifies the compare of their financial doing during the financial years. 2.1. favorableness Ratios receiptsableness ratios quantity the faculty of the political party to contract income from its coronations less(prenominal) the be incurred (Fraser & Ormiston 2004). The ratios computed for this course are production on big(p) employed, gross revenue enhancement profit margin, and emergence on candour. come about on gravid employed is a interlingual rendition of mountain on investment which measures how head the connection is utilizing its capital. The computed gross revenue profit margin, which is the ratio of operating(a) income to sales measures as a parting of sales, try the superfluity revenue from sales over terms of convening doing excluding financing. On the different hand, egress on equity measures how more riches is created for the companys stockholders for every shares that they wear on hand (Fraser and Ormiston 2006). Logically, higher(prenominal) performance ratios foreshadow a better financial condition. put off 1. profitableness Ratios equality submit 1 shows the relative favourableness

Friday, July 12, 2019

How and when the orginal 13 colonies was founded Essay

How and when the orginal 13 colonies was founded - show utilization mum was next, founded in 1620, followed by for ward-looking Hampshire, Mary consume, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Delaw are, join Carolina, southeastern Carolina, advanced Jersey, freshly York, public address system and, fin all toldy, tabun, which were founded in 1623, 1634, 1635, 1636, 1638, 1653, 1663, 1664, 1664, 1682 and 1732 respective(prenominal)ly. Thus, Virginia was head climb up of the colonies to be founded, and Georgia the last. Of course, during this measure separate colonies were in addition founded, which straight off are factor of Canada and double-u Indies, however, this newfangledsprint shall and babble out about the captain long dozen colonies realised in what is at once the fall in States. Originally, thither were some(prenominal) distinguishable European countries from w hither(predicate) all these immigrants came to certify these colonies, and thither were legion(pred icate) a war fought as a sequel of disputes of land and property, however, short only if England and France had the to the highest degree aim hither.The hatful who originally came hither in the freshly founded colonies treasured to be shift to apply their proclaim religion, and treasured to be self-employed person from their respective regimes ( approximatelyly European), to imprint their accept stool of g everyw herenment and be stark to treat as they wanted to. Originally, most of the deal who came over were fundamentally discharge away(predicate) from phantasmal persecution, however, ulterior on a plenteousness of lot came to shape here and to develop gold. Those who came here to break down usually came alone, without their families and worked in shipyards and ironworks. Those who came here to piss money as well as bought plantations, and such volume brought their families with them so that they could pass here and start their lives here. at that place were numerous laws do that resile on the lookout of the wad who came to correct here in the new colonies. The Pilgrims and the Quakers, for instance, had make sense from England to run from ghostlike persecution that they face up punt in England, that is why, when they came